New dates of lessons in the “Club of Discoverers of Digital Technologies” in Poland
New dates of classes being the part of the “CLUB OF EXPLORERS OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES” have been established.
Date of the workshop:
1st day of the workshop – 15th January 2022 (4 hours) from 2 to 6 p.m.
2nd day of the workshop – 5th February 2022 (4 hours) from 2 to 6 p.m.
We would like to remind you, that during the second thematic block, we will be learning aobut the world of photography.
During the classes (especially their first part) we will be doing various exercises). On behalf of the workshop trainer, I would like to kindly ask you to provide your children with mobile phones needed for taking test photos. Of course, this is not any prerequisite for participation in the classes, but it would make it easier for children to “play” with photography. In this task children will be using the KRITA program.
As the number of computer workstations is limited to 15 places, please confirm your presence at the next class (by or by SMS: + 48 572 514 339).
Place of the workshop: FabLab of the Regional Development Agency in Bielsko-Biała, Cieszyńska 365.
Photo workshop agenda
1st day of the workshop: 15th January 2022, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The first part of the classes:
1. Introduction
2. History of photography
3. Digital and analog photography
4. Common definitions in photography
5. Formats and resolutions of photos
6. Flash lamp
7. Exposure time, ISO
8. Exposure, white balance
9. Light and shadow in photography
10. The most common mistakes in photography
11. Composition, framing, perspective
12. Exercises
13. Homework – taking Christmas photos
A short break in the middle of the classes.
2nd day of the workshop: 5th February 2022, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The second part of the classes:
1. Short summary of the previous classes content.
2. Photo editing in Krita.
A short break in the middle of the classes.